Information update date: 07 August 2012

Customs Warehouse and a Special Trade Company

How to receive the customs warehouse permit?

In order to store the goods placed under customs supervision you may establish a customs warehouse.
In order to receive the customs warehouse permit you may fill out the application  posted on the website of the Revenue Service or apply to the Service Department at the Revenue Service (Address: #1 Aleksidze Street, Tbilisi), or to any Service Center.

№9 Decision of the Government of Georgia.

How to be granted the status of Special Trade Company?

If you plan to re-export goods, or perform operations of purchasing goods in the customs warehouse or/and deliver the goods, in order to be exempt from the profit tax, you may establish an enterprise and receive the status of special trade company.
You may fill out the application posted on the website of ht Revenue Service or apply to the Service Department at the Revenue Service (Address: #1 Aleksidze Street, Tbilisi), or to any Service Center.

N641 Order, 30 December 2011, of the Minister of Finance on Approval of the Rules for Granting/Canceling the Status of the International Financial Company, Special Trade Company and International Enterprise to a business/financial institution.