Information update date: 05 January 2015

Certificate of  exemption from sanitary control of the ship/certificate of carrying out sanitary  control  of the ship

Certificate of  exemption from sanitary control of the ship/certificate of carrying out sanitary  control  of the ship  is the document  which helps  countries to minimize  spread of diseases  by the  sailing   means on  the international scale .  
Authorized person of the Border Inspection point  can issue  certificate  if he/she is sure  that ship is free from infection and contamination  sources.
Certificate of carrying out sanitary  control  of the ship   is issued  if  risks hazardous to public health is  found on the ship (infection and contamination source  including carriers and  reservoirs)  and  if satisfactory results were achieved  by  performed  appropriate procedures.  If you wish to receive Certificate of  exemption from sanitary control of the ship/certificate of carrying out sanitary  control  of the ship you can apply to the  person  performing  sanitary-quarantine control  at the    Border Inspection Point  “Batumi airport”  and  at the Border  Inspection Point “Poti and Kulevi ports and Free Industrial Zone of Poti”.
Bank  information :  LELP “Revenue Service”;    Recepient bank -
State Treasury;    Bank Code: TRESGE22,  LELP “Revenue Service” account / treasury code - 707017021;
Remember:   electronically submitted application on the official web-page of the Revenue Service as well as  any document  issued by the Revenue Service electronically  has   the same  legal power as  the written document, despite the fact that it doesn’t have   stamp or signature of   authorized person.

Type of Service:

1 working day – 400 GEL
More than 1 working day – 200 GEL